1. 交易API
- M:必要参数
- C:在满足某些条件时,是必要参数
- O:可选参数
- -:不存在
1.1 消费(Sale)
1.1.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1". | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Sale transaction, Fixed value 01. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message |
transData 字段
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
businessOrderNo | String | M | M | The order number of the merchant's point of sale application or business system, it must be unique in its system. | |
paymentScenario | String | M | M | 1 - card payment 2 - cash payment 3 - QR code payment, merchant present code and customers scan it 4 - QR code payment, customers present code and merchant scan it. | |
paymentMethod | String | C | M | Specify a Payment method. This field is mandatory only when "paymentScenario" is set to "3" or "4". Please refer to Payment method. | |
cardType | String | C | - | When "paymentScenario" field is set to "1", this field is mandatory. 1 - DEBIT_CARD 2 - CREDIT_CARD 3 - EBT_CARD 4 - GIFT_CARD. | |
amt | String | 12 | M | M | Order amount. |
tip | String | 12 | O | O | Tip amount. |
transDate | String | 8 | - | M | Transaction date, format: YYYYMMDD. |
transTime | String | 6 | - | M | Transaction time, format: HHMMSS. |
operator | String | 4 | - | O | operator's work number. |
authCode | String | 6 | - | C | Authentication code. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
refNo | String | 12 | - | C | Retrieval Reference Number .This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
cardNo | String | 19 | - | C | Card PAN number, It has been masked according to PCI specification. example: 430277****5723. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
entryMode | String | 2 | - | O | This field returns value when card payment transaction: 1 - Swipe magnetic stripe card 2 - Contact chip card 3 - Contactless chip card 4 - Manual entry input. |
transactionID | String | 32 | - | M | The transaction id of CodePay Gateway. |
note | String | 128 | O | - | The order note information. |
merchantId | String | 32 | - | C | The merchant no. |
payChannelMerchantID | String | 32 | - | C | Merchant id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
payChannelTerminalID | String | 32 | - | C | Terminal id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
merchantName | String | 128 | - | C | The merchant name. |
onScreenTip | Boolean | 1 | 0 | - | true: On-screen tip is required. false: On-screen tip is not required. |
onScreenSignature | Boolean | 1 | 0 | - | true: On-screen signature is required. false: On-screen signature is not required. |
receiptPrintMode | Integer | 1 | O | - | Receipt printing mode.0: No printing, default value;1: Print merchant copy;2: Print customer copy;3: Print merchant copy + customer. |
1.1.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "01"); // Sale transaction
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
jsonObject.put("paymentScenario","1"); //Card payment
jsonObject.put("cardType", "1") //Debit
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
String transData = data.getStringExtra("transData");
if (result.equals("00")){
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(transData);
String amount = jsonObject.getString("amt");
}catch(JSONException e){
1.2 撤销(Void)
- 撤销通常必须在交易当日且在批结算之前进行。
- 成功撤销后,原交易金额将退还给持卡人的账户,就像交易从未发生过一样。
- 撤销通常需要原始交易凭证或相关信息才能进行操作。
1.2.1 Message
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1". | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Void transaction, Fixed value 02. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message. |
transData field
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
originBusinessOrderNo | String | M | M | The order number of the original purchase transaction. | |
businessOrderNo | String | M | M | The order number of the merchant's point of sale application or business system, it must be unique in its system. | |
paymentMethod | String | - | M | Please refer to Payment method. | |
amt | String | 12 | - | M | Order amount. |
tip | String | 12 | - | O | Tip amount. |
transDate | String | 8 | - | M | Transaction date, format: YYYYMMDD. |
transTime | String | 6 | - | M | Transaction time, format: HHMMSS. |
operator | String | 4 | - | O | operator's work number. |
authCode | String | 6 | - | M | Authentication code. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
refNo | String | 12 | - | M | Retrieval Reference Number .This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
cardNo | String | 19 | - | M | Card PAN number, It has been masked according to PCI specification. example: 430277****5723. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
entryMode | String | 2 | - | O | This field returns value when card payment transasction: 1 - Swipe magnetic stripe card 2 - Contact chip card 3 - Contactless chip card 4 - Manual entry input. |
transactionID | String | 32 | - | M | The transaction id of CodePay Gateway. |
merchantId | String | 32 | - | C | The merchant no. |
payChannelMerchantID | String | 32 | - | C | Merchant id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
payChannelTerminalID | String | 32 | - | C | Terminal id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
merchantName | String | 128 | - | C | The merchant name. |
receiptPrintMode | Integer | 1 | O | - | Receipt printing mode.0: No printing, default value;1: Print merchant copy;2: Print customer copy;3: Print merchant copy + customer. |
1.2.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "02"); // Void transaction
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
String transData = data.getStringExtra("transData");
if (result.equals("00")){
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(transData);
String amount = jsonObject.getString("amt");
}catch(JSONException e){
1.3 退款(Refund)
- 退款可能发生在交易当天,也可能在几天或更久之后。
- 退款通常需要持卡人提供购买凭证和退款原因,商家审核后退款将适当金额退回到持卡人的信用卡账户。
1.3.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1" . | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Refund transaction, Fixed value 03. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message. |
transData 字段
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
originBusinessOrderNo | String | C | C | The order number of the original Sale or Completion transaction. | |
businessOrderNo | String | M | M | The order number of the merchant's point of sale application or business system, it must be unique in its system. | |
paymentScenario | String | M | M | 1 - card payment 2 - cash payment 3 - QR code payment, merchant present code and customers scan it 4 - QR code payment, customers present code and merchant scan it. | |
paymentMethod | String | - | M | Please refer to Payment method. | |
cardType | String | C | - | When "paymentScenario" field is set to "1" and originBusinessOrderNo is empty, this field is mandatory. 1 - DEBIT_CARD 2 - CREDIT_CARD 3 - EBT_CARD 4 - GIFT_CARD. | |
amt | String | 12 | M | M | Refund amount. |
tip | String | 12 | O | O | Tip amount. |
transDate | String | 8 | - | M | Transaction date, format: YYYYMMDD. |
transTime | String | 6 | - | M | Transaction time, format: HHMMSS. |
operator | String | 4 | - | O | operator's work number. |
authCode | String | 6 | - | C | Authentication code. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
refNo | String | 12 | - | C | Retrieval Reference Number .This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
cardNo | String | 19 | - | C | Card PAN number, It has been masked according to PCI specification. example: 430277****5723. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
entryMode | String | 2 | - | O | This field returns value when card payment transaction: 1 - Swipe magnetic stripe card 2 - Contact chip card 3 - Contactless chip card 4 - Manual entry input. |
transactionID | String | 32 | - | M | The transaction id of CodePay Gateway. |
merchantId | String | 32 | - | C | The merchant no. |
payChannelMerchantID | String | 32 | - | C | Merchant id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
payChannelTerminalID | String | 32 | - | C | Terminal id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
merchantName | String | 128 | - | C | The merchant name. |
receiptPrintMode | Integer | 1 | O | - | Receipt printing mode.0: No printing, default value;1: Print merchant copy;2: Print customer copy;3: Print merchant copy + customer. |
1.3.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "03"); // Refund transaction
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
jsonObject.put("paymentScenario","1");//Card payment
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
String transData = data.getStringExtra("transData");
if (result.equals("00")){
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(transData);
String amount = jsonObject.getString("amt");
}catch(JSONException e){
1.4 授权(Authorization)
授权交易是一种卡片交易授权类型,商家可以通过该授权确保交易金额在客户账户中冻结或保留,直到交易完成。 在授权阶段,商家向客户的银行请求特定金额的授权,如果客户的账户中有足够的可用余额或信用额度,则会暂时冻结该金额。这意味着该金额尚未实际扣除,但客户在此期间不能将资金用于其他购买。 授权通常用于最终交易金额不确定的情况,例如住宿服务、租赁服务、无人值守自助服务等。
1.4.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1". | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Authorizaion transaction, Fixed value 04. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message. |
transData 字段
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
businessOrderNo | String | M | M | The order number of the merchant's point of sale application or business system, it must be unique in its system. | |
paymentMethod | String | - | M | Please refer to Payment method. | |
cardType | String | M | - | 1 -- DEBIT_CARD 2 -- CREDIT_CARD 3 -- EBT_CARD 4 -- GIFT_CARD. | |
amt | String | 12 | M | M | Order amount. |
transDate | String | 8 | - | M | Transaction date, format: YYYYMMDD. |
transTime | String | 6 | - | M | Transaction time, format: HHMMSS. |
operator | String | 4 | - | O | operator's work number |
authCode | String | 6 | - | M | Authentication code. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
refNo | String | 12 | - | M | Retrieval Reference Number .This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
cardNo | String | 19 | - | M | Card PAN number, It has been masked according to PCI specification. example: 430277****5723. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
entryMode | String | 2 | - | O | This field returns value when card payment transaction: 1 - Swipe magnetic stripe card 2 - Contact chip card 3 - Contactless chip card 4 - Manual entry input. |
transactionID | String | 32 | - | M | The transaction id of CodePay Gateway. |
merchantId | String | 32 | - | C | The merchant no. |
payChannelMerchantID | String | 32 | - | C | Merchant id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
payChannelTerminalID | String | 32 | - | C | Terminal id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
merchantName | String | 128 | - | C | The merchant name. |
onScreenSignature | Boolean | 1 | 0 | - | true: On-screen signature is required. false: On-screen signature is not required. |
receiptPrintMode | Integer | 1 | O | - | Receipt printing mode.0: No printing, default value;1: Print merchant copy;2: Print customer copy;3: Print merchant copy + customer. |
1.4.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "04"); // Authorization transaction
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
String transData = data.getStringExtra("transData");
if (result.equals("00")){
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(transData);
String amount = jsonObject.getString("amt");
}catch(JSONException e){
1.5 完成(Completion)
完成交易是指在授权后,当服务或商品的实际消费完成并最终确定金额时,请求商家正式从客户的账户中扣除先前授权的金额的过程。这一步是对授权的后续行动,确保商家收到付款。 例如,当顾客在住宿结束时结账离开酒店时,酒店将比较先前授权的金额与实际花费的金额;如果实际花费的金额较高,酒店将请求额外授权以弥补差额;如果实际花费的金额较低,则只会扣除实际花费的金额,授权金额的余额将退回到客户的账户中。
1.5.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1". | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Authorizaion Compleation transaction, Fixed value 06. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message. |
transData 字段
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
originBusinessOrderNo | String | 12 | M | - | The order number of the original purchase transaction. |
businessOrderNo | String | M | M | The order number of the merchant's point of sale application or business system, it must be unique in its system. | |
paymentMethod | String | - | M | Please refer to Payment method. | |
amt | String | 12 | M | M | Authorization confirmation amount, final payment amount, and any excess amount during authorization will be refunded to the customer's account. |
transDate | String | 8 | - | M | Transaction date, format: YYYYMMDD. |
transTime | String | 6 | - | M | Transaction time, format: HHMMSS. |
operator | String | 4 | - | O | operator's work number. |
authCode | String | 6 | - | M | Authentication code. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
refNo | String | 12 | - | M | Retrieval Reference Number .This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
cardNo | String | 19 | - | M | Card PAN number, It has been masked according to PCI specification. example: 430277****5723. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
entryMode | String | 2 | - | O | This field returns value when card payment transaction: 1 - Swipe magnetic stripe card 2 - Contact chip card 3 - Contactless chip card 4 - Manual entry input. |
transactionID | String | 32 | - | M | The transaction id of CodePay Gateway. |
merchantId | String | 32 | - | C | The merchant no. |
payChannelMerchantID | String | 32 | - | C | Merchant id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
payChannelTerminalID | String | 32 | - | C | Terminal id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
merchantName | String | 128 | - | C | The merchant name. |
receiptPrintMode | Integer | 1 | O | - | Receipt printing mode.0: No printing, default value;1: Print merchant copy;2: Print customer copy;3: Print merchant copy + customer. |
1.5.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "06"); // Authorization Completion transaction
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
String transData = data.getStringExtra("transData");
if (result.equals("00")){
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(transData);
String amount = jsonObject.getString("amt");
}catch(JSONException e){
1.6 返现(Sale with Cashback)
例如,如果你在杂货店花费 50 美元并想要 20 美元现金,你可以请求进行 70 美元的交易,其中 50 美元支付给超市,剩下的 20 美元以现金形式退还给你。此交易可能会在你的银行账户记录中显示为“消费返现”,总额为 70 美元。
1.6.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1". | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Cashback transaction, Fixed value 11. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message. |
transData 字段
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
businessOrderNo | String | M | M | The order number of the merchant's point of sale application or business system, it must be unique in its system. | |
paymentMethod | String | - | M | Please refer to Payment method. | |
cardType | String | M | - | 1 -- DEBIT_CARD 2 -- CREDIT_CARD 3 -- EBT_CARD 4 -- GIFT_CARD. | |
amt | String | 12 | M | M | Order amount. |
cashAmount | String | 12 | M | M | Cashback amount. |
tip | String | 12 | O | O | Tip amount. |
transDate | String | 8 | - | M | Transaction date, format: YYYYMMDD. |
transTime | String | 6 | - | M | Transaction time, format: HHMMSS. |
operator | String | 4 | - | O | operator's work number. |
authCode | String | 6 | - | M | Authentication code. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
refNo | String | 12 | - | M | Retrieval Reference Number .This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
cardNo | String | 19 | - | M | Card PAN number, It has been masked according to PCI specification. example: 430277****5723. This field returns value when card payment transasction. |
entryMode | String | 2 | - | O | This field returns value when card payment transaction: 1 - Swipe magnetic stripe card 2 - Contact chip card 3 - Contactless chip card 4 - Manual entry input |
transactionID | String | 32 | - | M | The transaction id of CodePay Gateway. |
merchantId | String | 32 | - | C | The merchant no. |
payChannelMerchantID | String | 32 | - | C | Merchant id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
payChannelTerminalID | String | 32 | - | C | Terminal id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
merchantName | String | 128 | - | C | The merchant name. |
onScreenTip | Boolean | 1 | 0 | - | true: On-screen tip is required. false: On-screen tip is not required. |
onScreenSignature | Boolean | 1 | 0 | - | true: On-screen signature is required. false: On-screen signature is not required. |
receiptPrintMode | Integer | 1 | O | - | Receipt printing mode.0: No printing, default value;1: Print merchant copy;2: Print customer copy;3: Print merchant copy + customer. |
1.6.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "11"); // Cashback transaction
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
String transData = data.getStringExtra("transData");
if (result.equals("00")){
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(transData);
String amount = jsonObject.getString("amt");
}catch(JSONException e){
1.7 查询(Query)
1.7.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1". | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Query transaction, Fixed value 21. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message. |
transData 字段
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
businessOrderNo | String | M | M | Merchant order number of the original transaction. | |
paymentScenario | String | - | M | 1 - card payment 2 - cash payment 3 - QR code payment, merchant present code and customers scan it 4 - QR code payment, customers present code and merchant scan it. | |
paymentMethod | String | - | M | Specify a Payment method. This field is mandatory only when "paymentScenario" is set to "3" or "4". Please refer to Payment method. | |
amt | String | 12 | - | M | Order amount. |
cashAmount | String | 12 | - | O | Cashback amount. |
tip | String | 12 | - | O | Tip amount. |
transDate | String | 8 | - | M | Transaction date, format: YYYYMMDD. |
transTime | String | 6 | - | M | Transaction time, format: HHMMSS. |
operator | String | 4 | - | O | operator's work number. |
authCode | String | 6 | - | C | Authentication code. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
transType | String | 2 | - | M | Type of transaction queried |
refNo | String | 12 | - | C | Retrieval Reference Number .This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
cardNo | String | 19 | - | C | Card PAN number, It has been masked according to PCI specification. example: 430277****5723. This field returns value when card payment transaction. |
entryMode | String | 2 | - | O | This field returns value when card payment transaction: 1 - Swipe magnetic stripe card 2 - Contact chip card 3 - Contactless chip card 4 - Manual entry input. |
transactionID | String | 32 | - | M | The transaction id of CodePay Gateway. |
merchantId | String | 32 | - | C | The merchant no. |
payChannelMerchantID | String | 32 | - | C | Merchant id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
payChannelTerminalID | String | 32 | - | C | Terminal id of the payment channel,channel example: TSYS,ELAVON. |
merchantName | String | 128 | - | C | The merchant name. |
1.7.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "21");
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
String transData = data.getStringExtra("transData");
if (result.equals("00")){
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(transData);
String amount = jsonObject.getString("amt");
}catch(JSONException e){
1.8 重打印(Reprint)
1.8.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1". | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Reprint transaction, Fixed value 22. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message. |
transData 字段
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
businessOrderNo | String | M | - | Merchant order number of the original transaction. |
1.8.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "22");
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
String transData = data.getStringExtra("transData");
if (result.equals("00")){
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(transData);
String amount = jsonObject.getString("amt");
}catch(JSONException e){
1.9 批结算
1.9.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API 版本,固定值“1.1” | |
transType | String | M | M | 重打印交易的类型代码,固定值 22 | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | 在 Codepay 网关注册的支付应用程序 ID,请参阅 支付网关集成指南 |
transData | JSON | M | C | ||
result | String | - | M | 请参阅附录 - 交易结果代码 | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | 结果消息 |
1.9.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "23");
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
1.10 小费调整
1.10.1 报文参数
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
version | String | M | M | API version, fixed value "1.1". | |
transType | String | M | M | The type code of Reprint transaction, Fixed value 24. | |
appId | String | 18 | M | - | The payment app id registered in Codepay Gateway, Please refer to the Payment gateway integration guide. |
transData | JSON | M | - | ||
result | String | - | M | Refer to appendix - Transaction result code. | |
resultMsg | String | - | C | Failure message. |
transData 字段
参数名 | 类型 | 长度 | 请求 | 响应 | 说明 |
businessOrderNo | String | M | - | Merchant order number requiring tip adjustment. | |
tipAdjustmentAmount | String | 12 | M | - | Tip adjustment amount. |
1.10.2 示例代码
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("version", "1.0");
intent.putExtra("appId", "{YOUR_APP_ID}");
intent.putExtra("transType", "24");
try {
intent.putExtra("transData", jsonObject.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String result = data.getStringExtra("result");
String resultMsg = data.getStringExtra("resultMsg");
2. 附录
2.1 交易结果码
类别 | 结果码 | 说明 |
成功 | 00 | 交易已批准 |
终端交易内核异常 | A003 | 卡片中没有 EMV 应用程序 |
A008 | 交易已被拒绝 | |
A020 | IC 命令失败 | |
A036 | 二次GAC 失败 | |
A040 | 初始化SDK失败 | |
卡片识别异常 | C000 | 读卡异常 |
C001 | 刷卡失败 | |
C004 | 读卡失败 | |
C006 | 卡片冲突 | |
C008 | IC 卡不允许先刷卡 | |
C009 | 读卡超时 | |
C011 | 找不到跟踪键 | |
C014 | 磁条卡模式不支持非接触式交易 | |
密码键盘异常 | G000 | PinPad 异常 |
G003 | 输入取消 | |
G004 | 输入超时 | |
G005 | 输入失败 | |
包处理异常 | H010 | Mac 错误 |
H011 | 签名验证失败 | |
网络异常 | J000 | 网络异常 |
J002 | 网络连接超时 | |
J003 | 网络连接失败 | |
J004 | 发送数据失败 | |
J005 | 读取数据失败 | |
J006 | 读取数据超时 | |
交易异常 | K018 | 必须使用与原始交易的卡 |
K019 | 无待结算数据 | |
K026 | 操作员手动取消 | |
K027 | 交易超时 | |
K029 | 电池电量低! | |
三方APP调用过程异常 | M002 | 参数错误 |
M003 | 无效金额 | |
M007 | 此功能暂不支持 | |
M008 | 调用版本不正确 | |
M009 | 无效的应用程序调用 | |
M010 | 找不到原始交易 | |
M011 | 无法作废原始交易 | |
M013 | 无法退款原始交易 | |
M014 | 无法完成原始交易 | |
服务端异常 | N002 | 网关服务请求异常 |
N003 | 收单服务请求异常 | |
用户端异常 | P001 | 账户或密码错误,请重试 |
P002 | 账户已锁定,无法登录 | |
初始化过程异常 | Q001 | 系统时间错误,请连接网络获取自动时间! |
Q002 | AID 未配置 | |
Q003 | 支付功能未配置。请联系技术支持。 | |
其它异常 | Z000 | 出现异常。请联系技术支持。 |